using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Kits", "Reneb", "3.2.93", ResourceId = 668)] class Kits : RustPlugin { readonly int playerLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Plugin initialization ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [PluginReference] Plugin CopyPaste, ImageLibrary, EventManager; void Loaded() { LoadData(); try { kitsData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject>>("Kits_Data"); } catch { kitsData = new Dictionary>(); } lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this); } void OnServerInitialized() { InitializePermissions(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BackgroundURL)) if (ImageLibrary) AddImage(BackgroundURL, "Background", (ulong)ResourceId); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) OnPlayerInit(player); } void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player) { BindKeys(player); } void InitializePermissions() { permission.RegisterPermission(this.Title + ".admin", this); permission.RegisterPermission(this.Title + ".ConsoleGive", this); foreach (var kit in storedData.Kits.Values) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kit.permission) && !permission.PermissionExists(kit.permission)) permission.RegisterPermission(kit.permission, this); if (ImageLibrary) AddImage(kit.image ?? ""," ", ""), (ulong)ResourceId); } } void BindKeys(BasePlayer player, bool unbind = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UIKeyBinding)) return; if (unbind) player.Command($"bind {UIKeyBinding} \"\""); else player.Command($"bind {UIKeyBinding} \"UI_ToggleKitMenu\""); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Configuration ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dictionary GUIKits; List CopyPasteParameters = new List(); string BackgroundURL; string UIKeyBinding; bool KitLogging; bool ShowUnavailableKits; public Dictionary AutoKits = new Dictionary(); class GUIKit { public string description = string.Empty; public List kits = new List(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { } void Init() { var config = Config.ReadObject>(); if (!config.ContainsKey("NPC - GUI Kits")) { config["NPC - GUI Kits"] = GetExampleGUIKits(); Config.WriteObject(config); } if (!config.ContainsKey("CopyPaste - Parameters")) { config["CopyPaste - Parameters"] = new List { "deployables", "true", "inventories", "true" }; Config.WriteObject(config); } if (!config.ContainsKey("Custom AutoKits")) { config["Custom AutoKits"] = new Dictionary {{0, "KitName" },{1, "KitName" },{2, "KitName" }}; Config.WriteObject(config); } if (!config.ContainsKey("UI KeyBinding")) { config["UI KeyBinding"] = string.Empty; Config.WriteObject(config); } if (!config.ContainsKey("Kit - Logging")) { config["Kit - Logging"] = false; Config.WriteObject(config); } if (!config.ContainsKey("Show All Kits")) { config["Show All Kits"] = false; Config.WriteObject(config); } if (!config.ContainsKey("Background - URL")) { config["Background - URL"] = string.Empty; Config.WriteObject(config); } var keys = config.Keys.ToArray(); if (keys.Length > 1) { foreach (var key in keys) { if (!key.Equals("NPC - GUI Kits") && !key.Equals("CopyPaste - Parameters") && !key.Equals("Custom AutoKits") && !key.Equals("UI KeyBinding") && !key.Equals("Background - URL") && !key.Equals("Kit - Logging") && !key.Equals("Show All Kits")) config.Remove(key); } Config.WriteObject(config); } CopyPasteParameters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["CopyPaste - Parameters"])); GUIKits = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["NPC - GUI Kits"])); AutoKits = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["Custom AutoKits"])); UIKeyBinding = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["UI KeyBinding"])); BackgroundURL = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["Background - URL"])); KitLogging = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["Kit - Logging"])); ShowUnavailableKits = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config["Show All Kits"])); } static Dictionary GetExampleGUIKits() { return new Dictionary { { 0, new GUIKit { kits = {"kit1", "kit2"}, description = "Welcome on this server! Here is a list of free kits that you can get.Enjoy your stay" } }, { 1235439, new GUIKit { kits = {"kit1", "kit2"}, description = "Welcome on this server! Here is a list of free kits that you can get.Enjoy your stay" } }, { 8753201223, new GUIKit { kits = {"kit1", "kit3"}, description = "VIPs Kits" } } }; } void OnPlayerRespawned(BasePlayer player) { var thereturn = Interface.Oxide.CallHook("canRedeemKit", player); if (thereturn == null) { if (storedData.Kits.ContainsKey("autokit")) { player.inventory.Strip(); GiveKit(player, "autokit"); return; } foreach (var entry in AutoKits.OrderBy(k=>k.Key)) { var success = CanRedeemKit(player, entry.Value, true) as string; if (success != null) continue; player.inventory.Strip(); success = GiveKit(player, entry.Value) as string; if (success != null) continue; proccessKitGiven(player, entry.Value); return; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Language ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string GetMsg(string key, object steamid = null) { return lang.GetMessage(key, this, steamid == null ? null : steamid.ToString()); } Dictionary messages = new Dictionary() { {"title", "Kits: " }, {"Name", "Name" }, {"Description", "Description" }, {"Redeem", "Redeem" }, {"AddKit", "Add Kit" }, {"Close", "Close" }, {"NoKitsFound", "All Available Kits are already in this Menu!" }, {"AddKitToMenu", "Select a Kit to Add to this Menu" }, {"KitCooldown", "Cooldown: {0}" }, {"Unavailable", "Unavailable" }, {"Last", "Last" }, {"Next", "Next" }, {"Back", "Back" }, {"First", "First" }, {"RemoveKit", "Remove Kit?" }, {"KitUses", "Uses: {0}" }, {"NoInventorySpace", "You do not have enough inventory space for this Kit!" }, {"Unlimited", "Unlimited" }, {"None", "None" }, {"KitRedeemed", "Kit Redeemed" }, {"Emptykitname", "Empty Kit Name" }, {"KitExistError","This kit doesn't exist"}, {"CantRedeemNow","You are not allowed to redeem a kit at the moment"}, {"NoAuthToRedeem","You don't have the Auth Level to use this kit"}, {"NoPermKit","You don't have the permissions to use this kit"}, {"NoRemainingUses","You already redeemed all of these kits"}, {"CooldownMessage","You need to wait {0} seconds to use this kit"}, {"NPCError","You must find the NPC that gives this kit to redeem it."}, {"PastingError", "Something went wrong while pasting, is CopyPaste installed?"}, {"NoKitFound", "This kit doesn't exist" }, }; private readonly Dictionary _itemIdShortnameConversions = new Dictionary { [-1461508848] = "rifle.ak", [2115555558] = "", [-533875561] = "ammo.pistol", [1621541165] = "", [-422893115] = "ammo.pistol.hv", [815896488] = "ammo.rifle", [805088543] = "ammo.rifle.explosive", [449771810] = "ammo.rifle.incendiary", [1152393492] = "ammo.rifle.hv", [1578894260] = "ammo.rocket.basic", [1436532208] = "", [542276424] = "ammo.rocket.hv", [1594947829] = "ammo.rocket.smoke", [-1035059994] = "ammo.shotgun", [1818890814] = "", [1819281075] = "ammo.shotgun.slug", [1685058759] = "antiradpills", [93029210] = "apple", [-1565095136] = "apple.spoiled", [-1775362679] = "arrow.bone", [-1775249157] = "", [-1280058093] = "arrow.hv", [-420273765] = "arrow.wooden", [563023711] = "autoturret", [790921853] = "axe.salvaged", [-337261910] = "bandage", [498312426] = "barricade.concrete", [504904386] = "barricade.metal", [-1221200300] = "barricade.sandbags", [510887968] = "barricade.stone", [-814689390] = "barricade.wood", [1024486167] = "barricade.woodwire", [2021568998] = "battery.small", [97329] = "bbq", [1046072789] = "trap.bear", [97409] = "bed", [-1480119738] = "tool.binoculars", [1611480185] = "black.raspberries", [-1386464949] = "bleach", [93832698] = "blood", [-1063412582] = "blueberries", [-1887162396] = "blueprintbase", [-55660037] = "rifle.bolt", [919780768] = "", [-365801095] = "bone.fragments", [68998734] = "botabag", [-853695669] = "bow.hunting", [271534758] = "box.wooden.large", [-770311783] = "box.wooden", [-1192532973] = "bucket.water", [-307490664] = "building.planner", [707427396] = "burlap.shirt", [707432758] = "", [-2079677721] = "cactusflesh", [-1342405573] = "", [-139769801] = "campfire", [-1043746011] = "can.beans", [2080339268] = "can.beans.empty", [-171664558] = "can.tuna", [1050986417] = "can.tuna.empty", [-1693683664] = "candycaneclub", [523409530] = "candycane", [1300054961] = "", [-2095387015] = "ceilinglight", [1428021640] = "chainsaw", [94623429] = "chair", [1436001773] = "charcoal", [1711323399] = "chicken.burned", [1734319168] = "chicken.cooked", [-1658459025] = "chicken.raw", [-726947205] = "chicken.spoiled", [-341443994] = "chocholate", [1540879296] = "xmasdoorwreath", [94756378] = "cloth", [3059095] = "coal", [3059624] = "corn", [2045107609] = "clone.corn", [583366917] = "seed.corn", [2123300234] = "crossbow", [1983936587] = "crude.oil", [1257201758] = "cupboard.tool", [-1144743963] = "diving.fins", [-1144542967] = "diving.mask", [-1144334585] = "diving.tank", [1066729526] = "diving.wetsuit", [-1598790097] = "door.double.hinged.metal", [-933236257] = "door.double.hinged.toptier", [-1575287163] = "door.double.hinged.wood", [-2104481870] = "door.hinged.metal", [-1571725662] = "door.hinged.toptier", [1456441506] = "door.hinged.wood", [1200628767] = "door.key", [-778796102] = "door.closer", [1526866730] = "xmas.door.garland", [1925723260] = "dropbox", [1891056868] = "ducttape", [1295154089] = "explosive.satchel", [498591726] = "explosive.timed", [1755466030] = "explosives", [726730162] = "facialhair.style01", [-1034048911] = "fat.animal", [252529905] = "femalearmpithair.style01", [471582113] = "femaleeyebrow.style01", [-1138648591] = "femalepubichair.style01", [305916740] = "female_hairstyle_01", [305916742] = "female_hairstyle_03", [305916744] = "female_hairstyle_05", [1908328648] = "fireplace.stone", [-2078972355] = "fish.cooked", [-533484654] = "fish.raw", [1571660245] = "fishingrod.handmade", [1045869440] = "flamethrower", [1985408483] = "flameturret", [97513422] = "flare", [1496470781] = "flashlight.held", [1229879204] = "weapon.mod.flashlight", [-1722829188] = "floor.grill", [1849912854] = "floor.ladder.hatch", [-1266285051] = "fridge", [-1749787215] = "boots.frog", [28178745] = "lowgradefuel", [-505639592] = "furnace", [1598149413] = "furnace.large", [-1779401418] = "gates.external.high.stone", [-57285700] = "gates.external.high.wood", [98228420] = "gears", [1422845239] = "geiger.counter", [277631078] = "generator.wind.scrap", [115739308] = "burlap.gloves", [-522149009] = "gloweyes", [3175989] = "glue", [718197703] = "granolabar", [384204160] = "grenade.beancan", [-1308622549] = "grenade.f1", [-217113639] = "fun.guitar", [-1580059655] = "gunpowder", [-1832205789] = "male_hairstyle_01", [305916741] = "female_hairstyle_02", [936777834] = "attire.hide.helterneck", [-1224598842] = "hammer", [-1976561211] = "hammer.salvaged", [-1406876421] = "hat.beenie", [-1397343301] = "hat.boonie", [1260209393] = "bucket.helmet", [-1035315940] = "burlap.headwrap", [-1381682752] = "hat.candle", [696727039] = "hat.cap", [-2128719593] = "coffeecan.helmet", [-1178289187] = "deer.skull.mask", [1351172108] = "heavy.plate.helmet", [-450738836] = "hat.miner", [-966287254] = "attire.reindeer.headband", [340009023] = "riot.helmet", [124310981] = "hat.wolf", [1501403549] = "wood.armor.helmet", [698310895] = "hatchet", [523855532] = "hazmatsuit", [2045246801] = "clone.hemp", [583506109] = "seed.hemp", [-148163128] = "", [-132588262] = "attire.hide.skirt", [-1666761111] = "attire.hide.vest", [-465236267] = "weapon.mod.holosight", [-1211618504] = "hoodie", [2133577942] = "hq.metal.ore", [-1014825244] = "humanmeat.burned", [-991829475] = "humanmeat.cooked", [-642008142] = "humanmeat.raw", [661790782] = "humanmeat.spoiled", [-1440143841] = "icepick.salvaged", [569119686] = "bone.armor.suit", [1404466285] = "heavy.plate.jacket", [-1616887133] = "jacket.snow", [-1167640370] = "jacket", [-1284735799] = "jackolantern.angry", [-1278649848] = "jackolantern.happy", [776005741] = "knife.bone", [108061910] = "ladder.wooden.wall", [255101535] = "trap.landmine", [-51678842] = "lantern", [-789202811] = "largemedkit", [516382256] = "weapon.mod.lasersight", [50834473] = "leather", [-975723312] = "lock.code", [1908195100] = "lock.key", [-1097452776] = "locker", [146685185] = "longsword", [-1716193401] = "rifle.lr300", [193190034] = "lmg.m249", [371156815] = "pistol.m92", [3343606] = "mace", [825308669] = "machete", [830965940] = "mailbox", [1662628660] = "male.facialhair.style02", [1662628661] = "male.facialhair.style03", [1662628662] = "male.facialhair.style04", [-1832205788] = "male_hairstyle_02", [-1832205786] = "male_hairstyle_04", [1625090418] = "malearmpithair.style01", [-1269800768] = "maleeyebrow.style01", [429648208] = "malepubichair.style01", [-1832205787] = "male_hairstyle_03", [-1832205785] = "male_hairstyle_05", [107868] = "map", [997973965] = "mask.balaclava", [-46188931] = "mask.bandana", [-46848560] = "metal.facemask", [-2066726403] = "bearmeat.burned", [-2043730634] = "bearmeat.cooked", [1325935999] = "bearmeat", [-225234813] = "deermeat.burned", [-202239044] = "deermeat.cooked", [-322501005] = "deermeat.raw", [-1851058636] = "horsemeat.burned", [-1828062867] = "horsemeat.cooked", [-1966381470] = "horsemeat.raw", [968732481] = "meat.pork.burned", [991728250] = "meat.pork.cooked", [-253819519] = "meat.boar", [-1714986849] = "wolfmeat.burned", [-1691991080] = "wolfmeat.cooked", [179448791] = "wolfmeat.raw", [431617507] = "wolfmeat.spoiled", [688032252] = "metal.fragments", [-1059362949] = "metal.ore", [1265861812] = "metal.plate.torso", [374890416] = "metal.refined", [1567404401] = "metalblade", [-1057402571] = "metalpipe", [-758925787] = "mining.pumpjack", [-1411620422] = "mining.quarry", [88869913] = "fish.minnows", [-2094080303] = "smg.mp5", [843418712] = "mushroom", [-1569356508] = "weapon.mod.muzzleboost", [-1569280852] = "weapon.mod.muzzlebrake", [449769971] = "pistol.nailgun", [590532217] = "ammo.nailgun.nails", [3387378] = "note", [1767561705] = "burlap.trousers", [106433500] = "pants", [-1334615971] = "heavy.plate.pants", [-135651869] = "attire.hide.pants", [-1595790889] = "roadsign.kilt", [-459156023] = "pants.shorts", [106434956] = "paper", [-578028723] = "pickaxe", [-586116979] = "jar.pickle", [-1379225193] = "pistol.eoka", [-930579334] = "pistol.revolver", [548699316] = "pistol.semiauto", [142147109] = "planter.large", [148953073] = "planter.small", [102672084] = "attire.hide.poncho", [640562379] = "pookie.bear", [-1732316031] = "xmas.present.large", [-2130280721] = "xmas.present.medium", [-1725510067] = "xmas.present.small", [1974032895] = "propanetank", [-225085592] = "pumpkin", [509654999] = "clone.pumpkin", [466113771] = "seed.pumpkin", [2033918259] = "pistol.python", [2069925558] = "target.reactive", [-1026117678] = "", [1987447227] = "research.table", [540154065] = "researchpaper", [1939428458] = "riflebody", [-288010497] = "roadsign.jacket", [-847065290] = "roadsigns", [3506021] = "rock", [649603450] = "rocket.launcher", [3506418] = "rope", [569935070] = "rug.bear", [113284] = "rug", [1916127949] = "water.salt", [-1775234707] = "salvaged.cleaver", [-388967316] = "salvaged.sword", [2007564590] = "santahat", [-1705696613] = "scarecrow", [670655301] = "hazmatsuit_scientist", [1148128486] = "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper", [-141135377] = "weapon.mod.small.scope", [109266897] = "scrap", [-527558546] = "searchlight", [-1745053053] = "rifle.semiauto", [1223860752] = "semibody", [-419069863] = "sewingkit", [-1617374968] = "sheetmetal", [2057749608] = "shelves", [24576628] = "shirt.collared", [-1659202509] = "shirt.tanktop", [2107229499] = "", [191795897] = "shotgun.double", [-1009492144] = "shotgun.pump", [2077983581] = "shotgun.waterpipe", [378365037] = "guntrap", [-529054135] = "shutter.metal.embrasure.a", [-529054134] = "shutter.metal.embrasure.b", [486166145] = "shutter.wood.a", [1628490888] = "sign.hanging.banner.large", [1498516223] = "sign.hanging", [-632459882] = "sign.hanging.ornate", [-626812403] = "sign.pictureframe.landscape", [385802761] = "sign.pictureframe.portrait", [2117976603] = "sign.pictureframe.tall", [1338515426] = "sign.pictureframe.xl", [-1455694274] = "sign.pictureframe.xxl", [1579245182] = "sign.pole.banner.large", [-587434450] = "", [-163742043] = "", [-1224714193] = "", [644359987] = "", [-1962514734] = "sign.wooden.huge", [-705305612] = "sign.wooden.large", [-357728804] = "sign.wooden.medium", [-698499648] = "sign.wooden.small", [1213686767] = "weapon.mod.silencer", [386382445] = "weapon.mod.simplesight", [1859976884] = "skull_fire_pit", [960793436] = "skull.human", [1001265731] = "skull.wolf", [1253290621] = "sleepingbag", [470729623] = "small.oil.refinery", [1051155022] = "stash.small", [865679437] = "fish.troutsmall", [927253046] = "smallwaterbottle", [109552593] = "smg.2", [-2092529553] = "smgbody", [691633666] = "snowball", [-2055888649] = "snowman", [621575320] = "shotgun.spas12", [-2118132208] = "spear.stone", [-1127699509] = "spear.wooden", [-685265909] = "spikes.floor", [552706886] = "spinner.wheel", [1835797460] = "metalspring", [-892259869] = "sticks", [-1623330855] = "stocking.large", [-1616524891] = "stocking.small", [789892804] = "stone.pickaxe", [-1289478934] = "stonehatchet", [-892070738] = "stones", [-891243783] = "sulfur", [889398893] = "sulfur.ore", [-1625468793] = "supply.signal", [1293049486] = "surveycharge", [1369769822] = "fishtrap.small", [586484018] = "syringe.medical", [110115790] = "table", [1490499512] = "", [3552619] = "tarp", [1471284746] = "techparts", [456448245] = "smg.thompson", [110547964] = "torch", [1588977225] = "xmas.decoration.baubels", [918540912] = "xmas.decoration.candycanes", [-471874147] = "xmas.decoration.gingerbreadmen", [205978836] = "xmas.decoration.lights", [-1044400758] = "xmas.decoration.pinecone", [-2073307447] = "", [435230680] = "xmas.decoration.tinsel", [-864578046] = "tshirt", [1660607208] = "tshirt.long", [260214178] = "tunalight", [-1847536522] = "vending.machine", [-496055048] = "wall.external.high.stone", [-1792066367] = "wall.external.high", [562888306] = "wall.frame.cell.gate", [-427925529] = "wall.frame.cell", [995306285] = "wall.frame.fence.gate", [-378017204] = "wall.frame.fence", [447918618] = "wall.frame.garagedoor", [313836902] = "wall.frame.netting", [1175970190] = "wall.frame.shopfront", [525244071] = "wall.frame.shopfront.metal", [-1021702157] = "wall.window.bars.metal", [-402507101] = "wall.window.bars.toptier", [-1556671423] = "wall.window.bars.wood", [61936445] = "", [112903447] = "water", [1817873886] = "water.catcher.large", [1824679850] = "water.catcher.small", [-1628526499] = "water.barrel", [547302405] = "waterjug", [1840561315] = "water.purifier", [-460592212] = "xmas.window.garland", [3655341] = "wood", [1554697726] = "wood.armor.jacket", [-1883959124] = "wood.armor.pants", [-481416622] = "workbench1", [-481416621] = "workbench2", [-481416620] = "workbench3", [-1151126752] = "xmas.lightstring", [-1926458555] = "xmas.tree" }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Kit Creator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static List GetPlayerItems(BasePlayer player) { List kititems = new List(); foreach (Item item in player.inventory.containerWear.itemList) { if (item != null) { var iteminfo = ProcessItem(item, "wear"); kititems.Add(iteminfo); } } foreach (Item item in player.inventory.containerMain.itemList) { if (item != null) { var iteminfo = ProcessItem(item, "main"); kititems.Add(iteminfo); } } foreach (Item item in player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) { if (item != null) { var iteminfo = ProcessItem(item, "belt"); kititems.Add(iteminfo); } } return kititems; } static private KitItem ProcessItem(Item item, string container) { KitItem iItem = new KitItem(); iItem.amount = item.amount; iItem.mods = new List(); iItem.container = container; iItem.skinid =; iItem.itemid =; iItem.weapon = false; iItem.blueprintTarget = item.blueprintTarget; if ( == "Weapon") { BaseProjectile weapon = item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile; if (weapon != null) { if (weapon.primaryMagazine != null) { iItem.weapon = true; if (item.contents != null) foreach (var mod in item.contents.itemList) { if ( != 0) iItem.mods.Add(; } } } } return iItem; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Kit Redeemer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TryGiveKit(BasePlayer player, string kitname) { var success = CanRedeemKit(player, kitname) as string; if (success != null) { OnScreen(player, success); return; } success = GiveKit(player, kitname) as string; if (success != null) { OnScreen(player, success); return; } OnScreen(player, GetMsg("KitRedeemed",player.userID)); Interface.CallHook("OnKitRedeemed", player, kitname); proccessKitGiven(player, kitname); } void proccessKitGiven(BasePlayer player, string kitname) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kitname)) return; kitname = kitname.ToLower(); Kit kit; if (!storedData.Kits.TryGetValue(kitname, out kit)) return; var kitData = GetKitData(player.userID, kitname); if (kit.max > 0) kitData.max += 1; if (kit.cooldown > 0) kitData.cooldown = CurrentTime() + kit.cooldown; if (PlayerGUI.ContainsKey(player.userID) && PlayerGUI[player.userID].open) RefreshKitPanel(player, PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid, PlayerGUI[player.userID].page); } private object GiveKit(BasePlayer player, string kitname) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kitname)) return GetMsg("Emptykitname", player.userID); kitname = kitname.ToLower(); Kit kit; if (!storedData.Kits.TryGetValue(kitname, out kit)) return GetMsg("NoKitFound",player.userID); foreach (var kitem in kit.items) { GiveItem(player.inventory, kitem.weapon ? BuildWeapon(kitem.itemid, kitem.skinid, kitem.mods) : BuildItem(kitem.itemid, kitem.amount, kitem.skinid, kitem.blueprintTarget), kitem.container == "belt" ? player.inventory.containerBelt : kitem.container == "wear" ? player.inventory.containerWear : player.inventory.containerMain); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kit.building)) { var success = CopyPaste?.CallHook("TryPasteFromSteamID", player.userID, kit.building, CopyPasteParameters.ToArray()); return success; } if (KitLogging) LogToFile("received", $"{player.displayName}<{player.UserIDString}> - Received Kit: {kitname}", this); return true; } bool GiveItem(PlayerInventory inv, Item item, ItemContainer container = null) { if (item == null) { return false; } int position = -1; return (((container != null) && item.MoveToContainer(container, position, true)) || (item.MoveToContainer(inv.containerMain, -1, true) || item.MoveToContainer(inv.containerBelt, -1, true))); } private Item BuildItem(int itemid, int amount, ulong skin, int blueprintTarget) { if (amount < 1) amount = 1; Item item = CreateByItemID(itemid, amount, skin); if (blueprintTarget != 0) item.blueprintTarget = blueprintTarget; return item; } private Item BuildWeapon(int id, ulong skin, List mods) { Item item = CreateByItemID(id, 1, skin); var weapon = item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile; if (weapon != null) { (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile).primaryMagazine.contents = (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile).primaryMagazine.capacity; } if (mods != null) { foreach (var mod in mods) { item.contents.AddItem(BuildItem(mod, 1, 0, 0).info, 1); } } return item; } private Item CreateByItemID(int itemID, int amount = 1, ulong skin = 0) { string shortName = ""; if (_itemIdShortnameConversions.TryGetValue(itemID, out shortName)) { return ItemManager.CreateByName(shortName, amount, skin); } else { return ItemManager.CreateByItemID(itemID, amount, skin); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Check Kits ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isKit(string kitname) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(kitname) && storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(kitname.ToLower()); } static readonly DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); static double CurrentTime() { return DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(epoch).TotalSeconds; } bool CanSeeKit(BasePlayer player, string kitname, bool fromNPC, out string reason) { reason = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kitname)) return false; kitname = kitname.ToLower(); Kit kit; if (!storedData.Kits.TryGetValue(kitname, out kit)) return false; if (kit.hide) return false; if (kit.authlevel > 0) if ( < kit.authlevel) return false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kit.permission)) if ( < 2 && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, kit.permission)) return false; if (kit.npconly && !fromNPC) return false; if (kit.max > 0) { int left = GetKitData(player.userID, kitname).max; if (left >= kit.max) { reason += "- 0 left"; return false; } reason += $"- {(kit.max - left)} left"; } if (kit.cooldown > 0) { double cd = GetKitData(player.userID, kitname).cooldown; double ct = CurrentTime(); if (cd > ct && cd != 0.0) { reason += $"- {Math.Abs(Math.Ceiling(cd - ct))} seconds"; return false; } } return true; } object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player, string kitname, bool skipAuth = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kitname)) return GetMsg("Emptykitname", player.userID); kitname = kitname.ToLower(); Kit kit; if (!storedData.Kits.TryGetValue(kitname, out kit)) return GetMsg("KitExistError", player.userID); object thereturn = Interface.Oxide.CallHook("canRedeemKit", player); if (thereturn != null) { if (thereturn is string) return thereturn; return GetMsg("CantRedeemNow", player.userID); } if (kit.authlevel > 0 && !skipAuth) if ( < kit.authlevel) return GetMsg("NoAuthToRedeem", player.userID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kit.permission)) if ( < 2 && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, kit.permission)) return GetMsg("NoPermKit", player.userID); var kitData = GetKitData(player.userID, kitname); if (kit.max > 0) if (kitData.max >= kit.max) return GetMsg("NoRemainingUses", player.userID); if (kit.cooldown > 0) { var ct = CurrentTime(); if (kitData.cooldown > ct && kitData.cooldown != 0.0) return string.Format(GetMsg("CooldownMessage", player.userID), Math.Abs(Math.Ceiling(kitData.cooldown - ct))); } if (kit.npconly) { bool foundNPC = false; var neededNpc = new List(); foreach (var pair in GUIKits) { if (pair.Value.kits.Contains(kitname)) neededNpc.Add(pair.Key); } foreach (var col in Physics.OverlapSphere(player.transform.position, 3f, playerLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { var targetplayer = col.GetComponentInParent(); if (targetplayer == null) continue; if (neededNpc.Contains(targetplayer.userID)) { foundNPC = true; break; } } if (!foundNPC) return GetMsg("NPCError", player.userID); } int beltcount = kit.items.Where(k => k.container == "belt").Count(); int wearcount = kit.items.Where(k => k.container == "wear").Count(); int maincount = kit.items.Where(k => k.container == "main").Count(); int totalcount = beltcount + wearcount + maincount; if ((player.inventory.containerBelt.capacity - player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Count) < beltcount || (player.inventory.containerWear.capacity - player.inventory.containerWear.itemList.Count) < wearcount || (player.inventory.containerMain.capacity - player.inventory.containerMain.itemList.Count) < maincount) if (totalcount > (player.inventory.containerMain.capacity - player.inventory.containerMain.itemList.Count)) return GetMsg("NoInventorySpace", player.userID); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Kit Class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class KitItem { public int itemid; public string container; public int amount; public ulong skinid; public bool weapon; public int blueprintTarget; public List mods = new List(); } class Kit { public string name; public string description; public int max; public double cooldown; public int authlevel; public bool hide; public bool npconly; public string permission; public string image; public string building; public List items = new List(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data Manager ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void SaveKitsData() { if (kitsData == null) return; Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("Kits_Data", kitsData); } private StoredData storedData; private Dictionary> kitsData; class StoredData { public Dictionary Kits = new Dictionary(); } class KitData { public int max; public double cooldown; } void ResetData() { kitsData.Clear(); SaveKitsData(); } void Unload() { SaveKitsData(); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { DestroyAllGUI(player); } } void OnServerSave() { SaveKitsData(); } void SaveKits() { Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("Kits", storedData); } void LoadData() { var kits = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("Kits"); try { kits.Settings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore; storedData = kits.ReadObject(); var update = new List(); foreach (var kit in storedData.Kits) { if (!kit.Key.Equals(kit.Key.ToLower())) update.Add(kit.Key); } foreach (var key in update) { storedData.Kits[key.ToLower()] = storedData.Kits[key]; storedData.Kits.Remove(key); } } catch { storedData = new StoredData(); } kits.Settings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include; } KitData GetKitData(ulong userID, string kitname) { Dictionary kitDatas; if (!kitsData.TryGetValue(userID, out kitDatas)) kitsData[userID] = kitDatas = new Dictionary(); KitData kitData; if (!kitDatas.TryGetValue(kitname, out kitData)) kitDatas[kitname] = kitData = new KitData(); return kitData; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Kit Editor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// readonly Dictionary kitEditor = new Dictionary(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ImageLibrary Hooks ---->> Absolut ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private string TryForImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 99) { if (shortname.Contains("http")) return shortname; if (skin == 99) skin = (ulong)ResourceId; return GetImage(shortname, skin, true); } public string GetImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0, bool returnUrl = false) => (string)ImageLibrary.Call("GetImage", shortname.ToLower(), skin, returnUrl); public bool HasImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (bool)ImageLibrary.Call("HasImage", shortname.ToLower(), skin); public bool AddImage(string url, string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => (bool)ImageLibrary?.Call("AddImage", url, shortname.ToLower(), skin); public List GetImageList(string shortname) => (List)ImageLibrary.Call("GetImageList", shortname.ToLower()); public bool isReady() => (bool)ImageLibrary?.Call("IsReady"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI CREATION ---->> Absolut ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private string PanelOnScreen = "PanelOnScreen"; private string PanelKits = "PanelKits"; private string PanelBackground = "PanelBackground"; public class UI { static public CuiElementContainer CreateElementContainer(string panelName, string color, string aMin, string aMax, bool cursor = false) { var NewElement = new CuiElementContainer() { { new CuiPanel { Image = {Color = color}, RectTransform = {AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax}, CursorEnabled = cursor }, new CuiElement().Parent, panelName } }; return NewElement; } static public CuiElementContainer CreateOverlayContainer(string panelName, string color, string aMin, string aMax, bool cursor = false) { var NewElement = new CuiElementContainer() { { new CuiPanel { Image = {Color = color}, RectTransform = {AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax}, CursorEnabled = cursor }, new CuiElement().Parent = "Overlay", panelName } }; return NewElement; } static public void CreatePanel(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string color, string aMin, string aMax, bool cursor = false) { container.Add(new CuiPanel { Image = { Color = color }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }, CursorEnabled = cursor }, panel); } static public void CreateLabel(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string color, string text, int size, string aMin, string aMax, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter) { container.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Color = color, FontSize = size, Align = align, FadeIn = 1.0f, Text = text }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax } }, panel); } static public void CreateButton(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string color, string text, int size, string aMin, string aMax, string command, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter) { container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = color, Command = command, FadeIn = 1.0f }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }, Text = { Text = text, FontSize = size, Align = align } }, panel); } static public void LoadImage(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string img, string aMin, string aMax) { if (img.StartsWith("http") || img.StartsWith("www")) { container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = panel, Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent {Url = img, Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent {AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax } } }); } else container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = panel, Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent {Png = img, Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent {AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax } } }); } static public void CreateTextOutline(ref CuiElementContainer element, string panel, string colorText, string colorOutline, string text, int size, string aMin, string aMax, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter) { element.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = panel, Components = { new CuiTextComponent{Color = colorText, FontSize = size, Align = align, Text = text }, new CuiOutlineComponent {Distance = "1 1", Color = colorOutline}, new CuiRectTransformComponent {AnchorMax = aMax, AnchorMin = aMin } } }); } } private Dictionary UIColors = new Dictionary { {"black", "0 0 0 1.0" }, {"dark", "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.98" }, {"header", "1 1 1 0.3" }, {"light", ".564 .564 .564 1.0" }, {"grey1", "0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0" }, {"brown", "0.3 0.16 0.0 1.0" }, {"yellow", "0.9 0.9 0.0 1.0" }, {"orange", "1.0 0.65 0.0 1.0" }, {"limegreen", "0.42 1.0 0 1.0" }, {"blue", "0.2 0.6 1.0 1.0" }, {"red", "1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0" }, {"white", "1 1 1 1" }, {"green", "0.28 0.82 0.28 1.0" }, {"grey", "0.85 0.85 0.85 1.0" }, {"lightblue", "0.6 0.86 1.0 1.0" }, {"buttonbg", "0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7" }, {"buttongreen", "0.133 0.965 0.133 0.9" }, {"buttonred", "0.964 0.133 0.133 0.9" }, {"buttongrey", "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9" }, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Dictionary timers = new Dictionary(); void OnScreen(BasePlayer player, string msg) { if (timers.ContainsKey(player.userID.ToString())) { timers[player.userID.ToString()].Destroy(); timers.Remove(player.userID.ToString()); } CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen); var element = UI.CreateOverlayContainer(PanelOnScreen, "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0", "0.15 0.65", "0.85 .85", false); UI.CreateTextOutline(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["black"], UIColors["white"], msg, 24, "0.0 0.0", "1.0 1.0"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, element); timers.Add(player.userID.ToString(), timer.Once(3, () => CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen))); } void BackgroundPanel(BasePlayer player) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelBackground); var element = UI.CreateOverlayContainer(PanelBackground, "0 0 0 0",".1 .15", ".9 .95", true); UI.CreatePanel(ref element, PanelBackground, "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8", "0 0", "1 1"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BackgroundURL)) { var image = BackgroundURL; if (ImageLibrary) image = TryForImage("Background"); UI.LoadImage(ref element, PanelBackground, image, "0 0", "1 1"); } CuiHelper.AddUi(player, element); } readonly Dictionary PlayerGUI = new Dictionary(); class PLayerGUI { public ulong guiid; public int page; public bool open; } [ConsoleCommand("UI_ToggleKitMenu")] private void cmdUI_ToggleKitMenu(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Connection.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(UIKeyBinding)) return; if (PlayerGUI.ContainsKey(player.userID)) if (PlayerGUI[player.userID].open) { PlayerGUI[player.userID].open = false; DestroyAllGUI(player); return; } NewKitPanel(player); } void NewKitPanel(BasePlayer player, ulong guiId = 0) { DestroyAllGUI(player); GUIKit kitpanel; if (!GUIKits.TryGetValue(guiId, out kitpanel)) return; BackgroundPanel(player); RefreshKitPanel(player, guiId); } void RefreshKitPanel(BasePlayer player, ulong guiId, int page = 0) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelKits); var element = UI.CreateOverlayContainer(PanelKits, "0 0 0 0", ".1 .15", ".9 .95"); PLayerGUI playerGUI; if (!PlayerGUI.TryGetValue(player.userID, out playerGUI)) PlayerGUI[player.userID] = playerGUI = new PLayerGUI(); playerGUI.guiid = guiId; = page; PlayerGUI[player.userID].open = true; bool npcCheck = false; if (guiId != 0) npcCheck = true; var kitpanel = GUIKits[guiId]; List Kits = new List(); if (ShowUnavailableKits) Kits = kitpanel.kits.Where(k=> storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(k.ToLower())).ToList(); else { foreach (var entry in kitpanel.kits) { string reason; var cansee = CanSeeKit(player, entry.ToLower(), npcCheck, out reason); if (!cansee && string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) continue; Kits.Add(entry); } } int entriesallowed = 10; int remainingentries = Kits.Count - (page * entriesallowed); UI.CreateTextOutline(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["white"], UIColors["black"], kitpanel.description, 20, "0.1 0.9", "0.9 1"); var i = 0; var n = 0; int shownentries = page * entriesallowed; foreach (var entry in Kits) { i++; if (i < shownentries + 1) continue; else if (i <= shownentries + entriesallowed) { var pos = KitSquarePos(n, remainingentries); CreateKitEntry(player, ref element, PanelKits, pos, entry); n++; if (n == entriesallowed) break; } } if ( == 2 || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, this.Title + ".admin")) UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["buttongrey"], GetMsg("AddKit", player.userID), 14, $".02 .02", ".07 .06", $"UI_AddKit {0}"); if (page >= 1) UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["buttongrey"], "<<", 20, $".79 .02", ".84 .06", $" {page - 1}"); if (remainingentries > entriesallowed) UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["buttongrey"], ">>", 20, $".86 .02", ".91 .06", $" {page + 1}"); UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["buttonred"], GetMsg("Close", player.userID), 14, $".93 .02", ".98 .06", $"kit.close"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, element); } void CreateKitEntry(BasePlayer player, ref CuiElementContainer element, string panel, float[] pos, string entry) { Kit kit = storedData.Kits[entry.ToLower()]; var kitData = GetKitData(player.userID, entry.ToLower()); var image = kit.image ?? ""; if (ImageLibrary) image = TryForImage(" ", "")); UI.CreatePanel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["header"], $"{pos[0]} {pos[1]}", $"{pos[2]} {pos[3]}"); UI.LoadImage(ref element, PanelKits, image, $"{pos[2] - .06f} {pos[1] + 0.01f}", $"{pos[2] - .005f} {pos[1] + .1f}"); UI.CreateLabel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["white"],, 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[3] - .07f}", $"{pos[2] - .005f} {pos[3] - .01f}"); UI.CreateLabel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["white"], kit.description ?? string.Empty, 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[3] - .18f}", $"{pos[2] - .005f} {pos[3] - .07f}", TextAnchor.UpperLeft); UI.CreateLabel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["white"], string.Format(GetMsg("KitCooldown", player.userID), kit.cooldown <= 0 ? GetMsg("None", player.userID) : CurrentTime() > kitData.cooldown ? MinuteFormat(kit.cooldown / 60).ToString() : " -" + MinuteFormat((double)Math.Abs(Math.Ceiling(CurrentTime() - kitData.cooldown)) / 60) + ""), 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[3] - .24f}", $"{pos[2] - .005f} {pos[3] - .21f}", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); UI.CreateLabel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["white"], string.Format(GetMsg("KitUses", player.userID), kit.max <= 0 ? GetMsg("Unlimited") : kit.max - kitData.max < kit.max ? $"{kit.max - kitData.max }/{kit.max}" : $"{kit.max - kitData.max }/{kit.max}"), 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[3] - .27f}", $"{pos[2] - .005f} {pos[3] - .24f}", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft); if ( == 2 || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, this.Title + ".admin")) UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["buttonred"], GetMsg("RemoveKit", player.userID), 14, $"{pos[0] + .067f} {pos[1] + 0.01f}", $"{pos[0] + .122f} {pos[1] + .07f}", $"UI_RemoveKit {entry.ToLower()}"); if (!ShowUnavailableKits) UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["dark"], GetMsg("Redeem"), 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[1] + 0.01f}", $"{pos[0] + .06f} {pos[1] + .07f}", $"kit.gui {entry.ToLower()}"); else { string reason; var cansee = CanSeeKit(player, entry.ToLower(), PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid == 0 ? false : true, out reason); if (!cansee && string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) { UI.CreatePanel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["header"], $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[1] + 0.01f}", $"{pos[0] + .06f} {pos[1] + .07f}"); UI.CreateLabel(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["white"],""+GetMsg("Unavailable", player.userID)+"", 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[1] + 0.01f}", $"{pos[0] + .06f} {pos[1] + .07f}"); } else UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelKits, UIColors["dark"], GetMsg("Redeem"), 12, $"{pos[0] + .005f} {pos[1] + 0.01f}", $"{pos[0] + .06f} {pos[1] + .07f}", $"kit.gui {entry.ToLower()}"); } } private float[] KitSquarePos(int number, double count) { Vector2 position = new Vector2(0.015f, 0.5f); Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2(0.19f, 0.4f); float offsetY = 0; float offsetX = 0; if (count < 10) { position.x = (float)(1 - (((dimensions.x + .005f) * (count > 1 ? (Math.Round((count / 2), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)) : 1)))) / 2; } if (number >= 0 && number < 2) { offsetY = (-0.01f - dimensions.y) * number; } if (number > 1 && number < 4) { offsetX = (.005f + dimensions.x) * 1; offsetY = (-0.01f - dimensions.y) * (number - 2); } if (number > 3 && number < 6) { offsetX = (.005f + dimensions.x) * 2; offsetY = (-0.01f - dimensions.y) * (number - 4); } if (number > 5 && number < 8) { offsetX = (.005f + dimensions.x) * 3; offsetY = (-0.01f - dimensions.y) * (number - 6); } if (number > 7 && number < 10) { offsetX = (.005f + dimensions.x) * 4; offsetY = (-0.01f - dimensions.y) * (number - 8); } Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY); Vector2 posMin = position + offset; Vector2 posMax = posMin + dimensions; return new float[] { posMin.x, posMin.y, posMax.x, posMax.y }; } [ConsoleCommand("UI_RemoveKit")] private void cmdUI_RemoveKit(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Connection.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null || ( < 2 && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, this.Title + ".admin"))) return; CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen); var kit = string.Join(" ", arg.Args); if (GUIKits[PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid].kits.Contains(kit)) { GUIKits[PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid].kits.Remove(kit); var config = Config.ReadObject>(); config["NPC - GUI Kits"] = GUIKits; Config.WriteObject(config); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen); RefreshKitPanel(player, PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid, PlayerGUI[player.userID].page); } } [ConsoleCommand("UI_AddKit")] private void cmdUI_AddKit(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Connection.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null || ( < 2 && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, this.Title + ".admin"))) return; CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen); int page; if (!int.TryParse(arg.Args[0], out page)) if (arg.Args[0] == "close") return; else { GUIKits[PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid].kits.Add(string.Join(" ",arg.Args)); var config = Config.ReadObject>(); config["NPC - GUI Kits"] = GUIKits; Config.WriteObject(config); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen); RefreshKitPanel(player, PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid, PlayerGUI[player.userID].page); return; } double count = GetAllKits().Count() - GUIKits[PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid].kits.Where(k => storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(k.ToLower())).ToList().Count(); if (count == 0) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("NoKitsFound", player.userID)); return; } var element = UI.CreateOverlayContainer(PanelOnScreen, UIColors["dark"], ".1 .15", ".9 .95"); UI.CreateTextOutline(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["white"], UIColors["black"], GetMsg("AddKitToMenu", player.userID), 20, "0.1 0.9", "0.9 .99", TextAnchor.UpperCenter); int entriesallowed = 30; double remainingentries = count - (page * (entriesallowed)); double totalpages = (Math.Floor(count / (entriesallowed))); { if (page < totalpages - 1) { UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["buttongrey"], GetMsg("Last", player.userID), 16, "0.8 0.02", "0.85 0.06", $"UI_AddKit {totalpages}"); } if (remainingentries > entriesallowed) { UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["buttongrey"], GetMsg("Next", player.userID), 16, "0.74 0.02", "0.79 0.06", $"UI_AddKit {page + 1}"); } if (page > 0) { UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["buttongrey"], GetMsg("Back", player.userID), 16, "0.68 0.02", "0.73 0.06", $"UI_AddKit {page - 1}"); } if (page > 1) { UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["buttongrey"], GetMsg("First", player.userID), 16, "0.62 0.02", "0.67 0.06", $"UI_AddKit {0}"); } } var i = 0; int n = 0; double shownentries = page * entriesallowed; foreach (string kitname in GetAllKits().Where(k => !GUIKits[PlayerGUI[player.userID].guiid].kits.Contains(k)).OrderBy(k=>k)) { i++; if (i < shownentries + 1) continue; else if (i <= shownentries + entriesallowed) { CreateKitButton(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["header"], kitname, $"UI_AddKit {kitname}", n); n++; } } UI.CreateButton(ref element, PanelOnScreen, UIColors["buttonred"], GetMsg("Close", player.userID), 14, $".93 .02", ".98 .06", $"UI_AddKit close"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, element); } private void CreateKitButton(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panelName, string color, string name, string cmd, int num) { var pos = CalcKitButtonPos(num); UI.CreateButton(ref container, panelName, color, name, 14, $"{pos[0]} {pos[1]}", $"{pos[2]} {pos[3]}", cmd); } private float[] CalcKitButtonPos(int number) { Vector2 position = new Vector2(0.05f, 0.82f); Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2(0.125f, 0.125f); float offsetY = 0; float offsetX = 0; if (number >= 0 && number < 6) { offsetX = (0.03f + dimensions.x) * number; } if (number > 5 && number < 12) { offsetX = (0.03f + dimensions.x) * (number - 6); offsetY = (-0.06f - dimensions.y) * 1; } if (number > 11 && number < 18) { offsetX = (0.03f + dimensions.x) * (number - 12); offsetY = (-0.06f - dimensions.y) * 2; } if (number > 17 && number < 24) { offsetX = (0.03f + dimensions.x) * (number - 18); offsetY = (-0.06f - dimensions.y) * 3; } if (number > 23 && number < 36) { offsetX = (0.03f + dimensions.x) * (number - 24); offsetY = (-0.06f - dimensions.y) * 4; } Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY); Vector2 posMin = position + offset; Vector2 posMax = posMin + dimensions; return new float[] { posMin.x, posMin.y, posMax.x, posMax.y }; } private string MinuteFormat(double minutes) { TimeSpan dateDifference = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes); var hours = dateDifference.Hours; hours += (dateDifference.Days * 24); return string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", hours, dateDifference.Minutes, dateDifference.Seconds); } void DestroyAllGUI(BasePlayer player) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "KitOverlay"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelOnScreen); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelKits); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, PanelBackground); } void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player) { if (!GUIKits.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) return; NewKitPanel(player, npc.userID); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // External Hooks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [HookMethod("GetAllKits")] public string[] GetAllKits() => storedData.Kits.Keys.ToArray(); [HookMethod("GetKitInfo")] public object GetKitInfo(string kitname) { if (storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(kitname.ToLower())) { var kit = storedData.Kits[kitname.ToLower()]; JObject obj = new JObject(); obj["name"] =; obj["permission"] = kit.permission; obj["npconly"] = kit.npconly; obj["max"] = kit.max; obj["image"] = kit.image; obj["hide"] = kit.hide; obj["description"] = kit.description; obj["cooldown"] = kit.cooldown; obj["building"] = kit.building; obj["authlevel"] = kit.authlevel; JArray items = new JArray(); foreach(var itemEntry in kit.items) { JObject item = new JObject(); item["amount"] = itemEntry.amount; item["container"] = itemEntry.container; item["itemid"] = itemEntry.itemid; item["skinid"] = itemEntry.skinid; item["weapon"] = itemEntry.weapon; item["blueprint"] = itemEntry.blueprintTarget > 0; JArray mods = new JArray(); foreach (var mod in itemEntry.mods) mods.Add(mod); item["mods"] = mods; items.Add(item); } obj["items"] = items; return obj; } return null; } [HookMethod("GetKitContents")] public string[] GetKitContents(string kitname) { if (storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(kitname.ToLower())) { List items = new List(); foreach (var item in storedData.Kits[kitname.ToLower()].items) { var itemstring = $"{item.itemid}_{item.amount}"; if (item.mods.Count > 0) foreach (var mod in item.mods) itemstring = itemstring + $"_{mod}"; items.Add(itemstring); } if (items.Count > 0) return items.ToArray(); } return null; } [HookMethod("KitCooldown")] public double KitCooldown(string kitname) => storedData.Kits[kitname].cooldown; [HookMethod("PlayerKitCooldown")] public double PlayerKitCooldown(ulong ID, string kitname) => storedData.Kits[kitname].cooldown <= 0 ? 0 : CurrentTime() > GetKitData(ID, kitname).cooldown ? storedData.Kits[kitname].cooldown : CurrentTime() - GetKitData(ID, kitname).cooldown; [HookMethod("KitDescription")] public string KitDescription(string kitname) => storedData.Kits[kitname].description; [HookMethod("KitMax")] public int KitMax(string kitname) => storedData.Kits[kitname].max; [HookMethod("PlayerKitMax")] public double PlayerKitMax(ulong ID, string kitname) => storedData.Kits[kitname].max <= 0 ? 0 : storedData.Kits[kitname].max - GetKitData(ID, kitname).max < storedData.Kits[kitname].max ? storedData.Kits[kitname].max - GetKitData(ID, kitname).max : 0; [HookMethod("KitImage")] public string KitImage(string kitname) => storedData.Kits[kitname].image; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Console Command ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ConsoleCommand("kit.gui")] void cmdConsoleKitGui(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Connection == null) { SendReply(arg, "You can't use this command from the server console"); return; } if (!arg.HasArgs()) { SendReply(arg, "You are not allowed to use manually this command"); return; } var player = arg.Player(); var kitname = arg.Args[0]/*.Substring(1, arg.Args[0].Length - 2)*/; TryGiveKit(player, kitname); } [ConsoleCommand("kit.close")] void cmdConsoleKitClose(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Connection == null) { SendReply(arg, "You can't use this command from the server console"); return; } PlayerGUI[arg.Player().userID].open = false; DestroyAllGUI(arg.Player()); } [ConsoleCommand("")] void cmdConsoleKitShow(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Connection == null) { SendReply(arg, "You can't use this command from the server console"); return; } if (!arg.HasArgs()) { SendReply(arg, "You are not allowed to use manually this command"); return; } var player = arg.Player(); PLayerGUI playerGUI; if (!PlayerGUI.TryGetValue(player.userID, out playerGUI)) return; RefreshKitPanel(player, playerGUI.guiid, arg.GetInt(0)); } List FindPlayer(string arg) { var listPlayers = new List(); ulong steamid; ulong.TryParse(arg, out steamid); string lowerarg = arg.ToLower(); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (steamid != 0L) if (player.userID == steamid) { listPlayers.Clear(); listPlayers.Add(player); return listPlayers; } string lowername = player.displayName.ToLower(); if (lowername.Contains(lowerarg)) { listPlayers.Add(player); } } return listPlayers; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Chat Command ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool hasAccess(BasePlayer player) { if (player?.net?.connection?.authLevel > 1 || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, this.Title +".admin")) return true; return false; } void SendListKitEdition(BasePlayer player) { SendReply(player, "authlevel XXX\r\nbuilding \"filename\" => buy a building to paste from\r\ncooldown XXX\r\ndescription \"description text here\" => set a description for this kit\r\nhide TRUE/FALSE => dont show this kit in lists (EVER)\r\nimage \"image http url\" => set an image for this kit (gui only)\r\nitems => set new items for your kit (will copy your inventory)\r\nmax XXX\r\nnpconly TRUE/FALSE => only get this kit out of a NPC\r\npermission \"permission name\" => set the permission needed to get this kit"); } [ChatCommand("kit")] void cmdChatKit(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { if (GUIKits.ContainsKey(0)) NewKitPanel(player, 0); else { string reason = string.Empty; foreach (var pair in storedData.Kits) { var cansee = CanSeeKit(player, pair.Key, false, out reason); if (!cansee && string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) continue; SendReply(player, $"{} - {pair.Value.description} {reason}"); } } return; } if (args.Length == 1) { switch (args[0]) { case "help": SendReply(player, "====== Player Commands ======"); SendReply(player, "/kit => to get the list of kits"); SendReply(player, "/kit KITNAME => to redeem the kit"); if (!hasAccess(player)) { return; } SendReply(player, "====== Admin Commands ======"); SendReply(player, "/kit add KITNAME => add a kit"); SendReply(player, "/kit remove KITNAME => remove a kit"); SendReply(player, "/kit edit KITNAME => edit a kit"); SendReply(player, "/kit list => get a raw list of kits (the real full list)"); SendReply(player, "/kit give PLAYER/STEAMID KITNAME => give a kit to a player"); SendReply(player, "/kit resetkits => deletes all kits"); SendReply(player, "/kit resetdata => reset player data"); break; case "add": case "remove": case "edit": if (!hasAccess(player)) { SendReply(player, "You don't have access to this command"); return; } SendReply(player, $"/kit {args[0]} KITNAME"); break; case "give": if (!hasAccess(player)) { SendReply(player, "You don't have access to this command"); return; } SendReply(player, "/kit give PLAYER/STEAMID KITNAME"); break; case "list": if (!hasAccess(player)) { SendReply(player, "You don't have access to this command"); return; } foreach (var kit in storedData.Kits.Values) { SendReply(player, $"{} - {kit.description}"); } break; case "items": break; case "resetkits": if (!hasAccess(player)) { SendReply(player, "You don't have access to this command"); return; } storedData.Kits.Clear(); kitEditor.Clear(); ResetData(); SaveKits(); SendReply(player, "Resetted all kits and player data"); break; case "resetdata": if (!hasAccess(player)) { SendReply(player, "You don't have access to this command"); return; } ResetData(); SendReply(player, "Resetted all player data"); break; default: TryGiveKit(player, args[0].ToLower()); break; } if (args[0] != "items") return; } if (!hasAccess(player)) { SendReply(player, "You don't have access to this command"); return; } string kitname; switch (args[0]) { case "add": kitname = args[1].ToLower(); if (storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(kitname)) { SendReply(player, "This kit already exists."); return; } storedData.Kits[kitname] = new Kit { name = args[1] }; kitEditor[player.userID] = kitname; SendReply(player, "You've created a new kit: " + args[1]); SendListKitEdition(player); break; case "give": if (args.Length < 3) { SendReply(player, "/kit give PLAYER/STEAMID KITNAME"); return; } kitname = args[2].ToLower(); if (!storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(kitname)) { SendReply(player, "This kit doesn't seem to exist."); return; } var findPlayers = FindPlayer(args[1]); if (findPlayers.Count == 0) { SendReply(player, "No players found."); return; } if (findPlayers.Count > 1) { SendReply(player, "Multiple players found."); return; } GiveKit(findPlayers[0], kitname); SendReply(player, $"You gave {findPlayers[0].displayName} the kit: {storedData.Kits[kitname].name}"); SendReply(findPlayers[0], string.Format("You've received the kit {1} from {0}", player.displayName, storedData.Kits[kitname].name)); break; case "edit": kitname = args[1].ToLower(); if (!storedData.Kits.ContainsKey(kitname)) { SendReply(player, "This kit doesn't seem to exist"); return; } kitEditor[player.userID] = kitname; SendReply(player, $"You are now editing the kit: {kitname}"); SendListKitEdition(player); break; case "remove": kitname = args[1].ToLower(); if (!storedData.Kits.Remove(kitname)) { SendReply(player, "This kit doesn't seem to exist"); return; } SendReply(player, $"{kitname} was removed"); if (kitEditor[player.userID] == kitname) kitEditor.Remove(player.userID); break; default: if (!kitEditor.TryGetValue(player.userID, out kitname)) { SendReply(player, "You are not creating or editing a kit"); return; } Kit kit; if (!storedData.Kits.TryGetValue(kitname, out kit)) { SendReply(player, "There was an error while getting this kit, was it changed while you were editing it?"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { object editvalue; var key = args[i].ToLower(); switch (key) { case "items": kit.items = GetPlayerItems(player); SendReply(player, "The items were copied from your inventory"); continue; case "building": var buildingvalue = args[++i]; if (buildingvalue.ToLower() == "false") editvalue = kit.building = string.Empty; else editvalue = kit.building = buildingvalue; break; case "name": continue; case "description": editvalue = kit.description = args[++i]; break; case "max": editvalue = kit.max = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "cooldown": editvalue = kit.cooldown = double.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "authlevel": editvalue = kit.authlevel = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "hide": editvalue = kit.hide = bool.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "npconly": editvalue = kit.npconly = bool.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "permission": editvalue = kit.permission = args[++i]; if (!kit.permission.StartsWith("kits.")) editvalue = kit.permission = $"kits.{kit.permission}"; InitializePermissions(); break; case "image": editvalue = kit.image = args[++i]; break; default: SendReply(player, $"{args[i]} is not a valid argument"); continue; } SendReply(player, $"{key} set to {editvalue ?? "null"}"); } break; } SaveKits(); } } }